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What Is The Right Age To Write A Book? (New)

The right age to write a book

Writing a book can be a bit intimidating for people. Many question their skills, and their resolve, while others go a step farther. Others may even begin to question their age. This is understandable, as there is an age for most specialized professions. For example, athletes are often expected to be in their 20s, while people like Presidents are often expected to be above 50 years old. You May Also Like: How To Start, Writing, And Finish A Story/Book? (New) That’s because at each age range, the human body is strong at a certain aspect, be it intelligence, experience, or just athleticisms. So which age range is perfect for writing? Which age is the best to be a writer? The right age to start writing novels is about 25 years old. The thing is writing is not exactly age focused. The writer of Frankenstein was 19 when she penned her work. In the process, she created an entirely new genre of work. Additionally, the Tolkien was 45 years old when he debuted The Hobbit, which is the prelude to the epic, ‘The Lord Of The Rings’, a book series that reinvigorated the fantasy genre, and made him be dubbed the father of fantasy. The point is that the age is not exactly relevant. Instead, 3 things are relevant; learning to be productive when they write so they can actually finish their book, learning to have proper writing skills, and finally, learning to make the time to write. However, the number 25 was not chosen at random. There may possibly be an age where you can teach yourself these 3 skills so you can best write, according to the numbers at least. Let’s get into the details of what I mean. 1. Is There A Right Age To Be A Writer? The right age to begin writing a novel is 25 years. Now of course you may wonder where I got this number. A study found that the average age of when authors first get published is about 36 years old. Another study found that most authors say that it took them 11.5 years before their first work was published. So, putting this to facts together, what do we get? It must be that the average writer begin working on their books at 25.5 years old. However, this does not mean you have to either. There are 3 main skills that are required to be a successful author, and these skills could explain why people wrote at the age they did (25 years). Also, they explain why you do not have to. As long as you master these, you can begin writing your book at any time, and even publish it in a quicker time period. Three skills The three skills required to write a book are: Time Management Skill Writing a book can take up to 6 months, or even more. And it is 6 months of writing everyday, so there is no time to relax. A lot of people do not have the skills to create this time. They are always busy with work, and school, or other things, instead of their writing. So, they leave writing to the side. Yet, Tolkien managed to write his books while he was a father of a family, and a college professor. It can be done. You just need to learn how to create time to write your books. Productivity Skills The second problem people could face is dealing with things like procrastination, lack of motivation, or just a lack of clear directions. You could find a way to make at least 5 more hours in your day, but it could still be pointless. You could find yourself just sitting there the whole 5 hours, and not writing something. That’s if you are lucky. Some people will promise to do it at 10, then 10:30, then 11, and finally, the whole 5 hours is elapsed, and they never even sat at their work space. On top of time making skills, you need to learn how to be productive, so you can actually begin writing and working on your stories. Writing Skills Finally, you will need to learn how to write a good book. After you can make time to write, and when you have that time, you actually sit down and write, you will need to learn how to write something captivating. How to write a unique story, with a unique world, charming characters, and the type of story that will make people do fan art, and print your books cover to past on the bed posts. The skill to write that story comes naturally to most people who were already willing to suffer, learning how to make time to write, and how to make themselves productive. But if it doesn’t, now you already have the time, and the space to learn just how to do it, so there is a win. People who are 25 are at the age where they do not have that much responsibility, yet have developed their brain enough that they can now learn responsibility and productivity. Then they spend 11.5 years learning how to write a good stories. But with modern day internet resources, you can learn these things so quickly, you could write books at any age, and in a short amount of time. 2. What Is The Youngest Age To Write A Book? The youngest age a person wrote a book was 4 years, and 356 days. The youngest person to ever writer a book was Dorothy Straight, who was 4 years old at the time she wrote her book, ‘How The World Began’. To be fair, Dorothy was not exactly a normal child. Yes she had the mental functioning, and behavior of a normal child. After all that’s what led to the writing of this book. Like any curious child, Dorothy asked a lot of questions. Eventually, she asked her mother how the world came to be. Being an evangelical Christian, her

How To Read fantasy (Beginners Guide In Getting Into Fantasy)

Fantasy Books

With it’s new found popularity, fantasy has now gained a number of fans. Now they are wondering how to read fantasy books, so they can start enjoying their favorite TV shows in their book form. Then you have come to the right place. You May Also Like: How To Spot A Good Fantasy Book? (New 2024) There are a few parts that go into the statement ‘getting into fantasy’. First, it could be that the person is wondering how they can get into fantasy in general. Meaning, how can they learn to start liking reading these books. However, in this article, we will deal with the second type of getting into fantasy. This type is learning how to get into reading, and finishing fantasy books in general. Learning the skill of reading fantasy. So its sort of like learning to eat rice and learning to appreciate the different types of rice versus learning how to eat rice, and learning how to hold the spoon to eat it. We are learning how to hold the spoon. So, how can you learn how to read fantasy? You can learn to read fantasy by first reading books of fantasy books you’ve watched first. Then, you can progress to reading books adjacent to that one. Finally, you could attempt to listen to an audiobook, which requires less energy from your end. That should be enough to get you in the mood of reading fantasy. However, if you want more detailed instructions, you may read on. 1. Read The Books Of Shows You Have Watched The first way to learn how to read fantasy is by first reading the fantasy book version of shows that you have already watched. This is probably the best version because this allows you to not have to train your mental projection much. Instead, you can focus on learning how to follow words you read. Reading fiction requires you to entire an almost meditative state. You allow you mind to wonder, and you almost lose sense of your body. This gives that pleasant sensation of immersion in the story, which is the feeling that you want if you intend on enjoying the story. However, this part is the hardest part for beginners to do. That’s why it helps to read something you have already seen before. The meditative state is facilitated by you imagining what the character’s you are reading about look like. By imaging what all the things being described look like. This is why it is useful for you to use the TV shows to your advantage. You can happily watch a TV show that will show you a rough idea of the reading that you are doing. So the first thing you should try is reading a TV show fantasy story you have already watched. 2. Choose Other Books You Like The second step to start reading fantasy is reading a book that you are starting to enjoy. Reading a fantasy book that you enjoy can be very helpful when it comes to entering the meditative reading stage. After you finish reading one book, you will have had more than enough practice on how to enter that meditative state of reading. At this point, you probably cannot enter it at will. So you will still read with some more training wheels. So, you should start reading another fantasy story that is similar to the one of the show you enjoy. I have already covered how to find the best fantasy books to read that are tailored for you, so here I will explain why that will help you. This will help you because when you read a story that is most tailored for you, you actively want to enter that meditative state. So it helps you. When you finish at least 2 books reading like this, I can boldly say you are a master of entering the meditative state. Thus, you can probably read a lot more books. So you are ready to move on to the next stage. 3. Read With Earphones On The third thing you could do to get into reading fantasy is to start reading fantasy while listening to the audio book of the book you are reading. What separates the best readers from beginners is how long one can stay in that state of constant reading, and meditation. This state can be trained using this technique. I have a horrible confession to make. I have not read The Lord Of The Rings. I know, crucify me. But before you do, let me explain that now I have. I absolutely get what all the buzz was about. I enjoyed the story immensely. In fact, I don’t understand why everyone said it would be so hard to read, when in fact it was enjoyable. Or maybe it was the cheat code I used. I read the book while listening to the audio book. This allowed me to read the entire trilogy in under 5 days. That’s exactly the kind of results you can get with this technique. Looking at the time, and the length of the audio book, you can calculate how long it will take to finish the reading. If you take long than the calculated time, than you should work on improving your patience, and your concentration. 4. Watch Reviews Of The Books You Have Read, And Engage In The Community The fourth technique you could use to read fantasy is to start watching reviews of the books that you have read, engage in the community, answering the questions the bring up, and giving your own opinions. In order to truly appreciate the stories you have read, it helps to engage in the fantasy community. They will help you feel the hype for the next book, and help you enjoy the previous book you have just read. There are a lot of communities you can meet of fantasy online. The best are found on YouTube, so you should look there. These

“I Hate Fantasy” – 10 Good Reasons Why People Hate Fantasy

Fantasy Books Are Sometimes Hated

There are a lot of reasons that people have to hate fantasy. This is just a form of a complement. Fantasy is one of the most popular genres of all time. Whether it is on the big screen, the little screen, cartoons, or books, you will find one thing; fantasy stories. Everyone is always watching magic powered people doing magic powered things, all over the world. So it is only natural that there would be more opinions than just positive, from the exposure that people have of fantasy. You May Also Like: “I Hate Fantasy” – 10 Bad Reasons Why People Hate Fantasy A good reason why people hate fantasy could be how fantasy tends to push extremely strict racial stereotypes, and how fantasy magic can often be used to negate any stakes within the story. These are the most obvious, but other reasons why people may hate fantasy could include: a dislike of the fantasy fan’s over enthusiasm, the repetitive nature of some fantasy tropes, the meandering nature of some books, and maybe even the length of some stories. In general, people just do not like stories that shoot themselves in the foot with their indulgences. This is an unfortunate weakness most unique to fantasy, for reasons that we will discuss. On top of these, there are a lot of other reasons of course, but in this article, we will be going over these specific reasons. We will also go over more reasons, and get into details. So, let’s get into it: 1. It’s fans The first good reason people have to hate fantasy is sadly enough, its fans. Fantasy fans can be one of the most enthusiastic fans around. There is nothing wrong about that. But I believe everybody appreciates that harassment can be annoying, and frustrating to deal with. Unfortunately, a lot of fantasy fans can fall into this category. I grew up as, and still am, a massive fantasy fan myself. Growing up, I never had any people around me who I could talk to about the fantasy stories that I enjoyed. This meant I was lonely yes. But, it also meant that if there was even the slightest glimpse of interest in my passions from someone, I would would rain on them like a waterfall. Eventually, people draw away from all that has to do with you, and with fantasy. They begin to associate fantasy with the fan’s own exhausting excitement. Which may make people not want to deal with them anymore. What could be said is that people should try not to judge a property just because of an unpleasant experience they had with something adjacent to it. I can’t start hating McDonald’s because I stumbled and fell outside their doors. It just would not be fair. 2. It Pushes Stereotypes The second good reason people have to dislike fantasy is because it tends to standardize stereotypes, and lock people into specific positions. Fantasy books tend to have stereotyped races, characters, and people, which is a little uncomfortable. We all know about the senseless cruel orc. Or about the graceful, ever good, and perfect elves. The point is that fantasy tends to have a lot of stereotyping of entire groups, and even worse, races. They then assign powers to specific races, while others can’t have any powers. This is somewhat awkward. So, it can be a far enough reason for people to find themselves uninterested in fantasy. However, this fact tends to be even worse from a literary writing technique level. 3. It’s repetitive The third good reasons people could have for disliking fantasy is that it is too repetitive. Which is also a bit far. Fantasy stories tend to have a lot of similar characters, places, and even plot points. This could make people tired easily from reading to much, and make them hate fantasy. So, we have already spoken about how fantasy tends to have stereotypical races, groups, and characters. However, fantasy may also have stereotypical places. For example, we recently went over why most fantasy stories tend to take place in medieval Europe, and we also spoke about how there are new fantasy books being made that do not take place there. But the truth remains the same: fantasy stories tend to show the same repetitive things. This can hurt stories in their telling. 4. It Is Too Long The fourth reason why people could hate fantasy is because the books are too long. Fantasy books are some of the longest books that are being released in recent times. The longest fiction books that I’ve read are fantasy books. These books are extremely fun to read. However, I’d be a liar, liar, pants of fire if I claimed that I did not find myself being weighed down a number of times. These books are long as hell. And even worse, they do not even have to be sometimes. 5 It Is Meandering The fifth reason why people tend to hate fantasy books is because fantasy books tend to be so long, and meandering that some parts of the books just lead to no where of consequence. Fantasy books can have some elements of them that are long for no reason, instead they just have characters walking around in circles getting nothing done. Oathbreaker, and A Wise Man’s Fear were some of the most anticipated books. When they were finally released, and first, reviews showed that people enjoyed the books. However, it was only a matter of time before not so pleasant reviews came out. These were all complaining about the same thing. The books were meandering. Now, this could be something surprising to hear. These are books written by arguably the best writers of our generation. Yet, they had these obvious slumps in them. However, it is not so surprising, considering this is fantasy we are talking about. Fantasy stories tend to create their own massive world, and the only way this world can be shown to the reader is

How To Choose The Best Books To Read For You (New 2024)

The best fantasy books to read

So, you have just finished a fantastic book, and you want to know where to find the best books to read so you can be kept busy again. You have come to the right place. You May Also Like: Fantasy Books: Here Are The Top 20 Best Strange Places To Find Ones Tailored For You So, where can you go to find the best books for you to read? If you want to find books to read that fit your tastes, it is best to go find the comparisons made by book critics of the same book. Most books tend to have a comparisons list in order to make choosing the book easier for literary agents, so that they will not have to read the entire book. As a reader, you can use this to your advantage to find books that are compared to the one you want to read. That is one approach that you can take to find books that are good for you, but it is definitely not the only way. For other techniques that you can use to find these books, you can read on this article. 1. Book Critics To Find Comparisons The first place to look for books to read that fit your taste is by looking at the comparisons list for your books. Book comparisons are used everywhere in the writing industry, since they make the while process easier for both writers, agents, editors, and publishers. You can use these comparisons as a reader as well. If you have ever written, and published a book, you will know by now just how often comparisons tend to come up in the writing industry. People will ask you what comparisons do you have for your book in your query letter. Then later the editor is going to ask you for the comparisons. Finally, you publish your book. Now, you will have to work with a marketing team, who will also ask you for a comparisons list. Then what is this comparison list that we hear so much about? Harry Potter can be described as Lord Of The Rings in a High school drama. Invincible is a mix of Superman, and the Boys. The First Law Trilogy is often described as a Game Of Thrones story that has been completed. That is what a book comparison is. What other books the current book is similar too. So if you want to find out which other books are like the ones you have just finished, its easy. A simple search of what the literary agents, writers, or marketers compared the book to will tell you where you should be reading next. 2. Literary Agent The second way that you can find books to read that are similar to the one you just finished is by trying to find the literary agent who worked on that specific book you like, and then going to read other works represented by that specific agent. Literary agents are usually the best place for a person to go to next if they want to be able to find books to read that are interesting to them. But what is a literary agent? A literary agent is the person who takes a writers work, and goes to publishers to offer the persons work there. Generally speaking, most publishers do not accept work directly from the writers, other wise they would have to sift through mountains of work. So, they only accept potential books from literary agents. The literary agents read the books themselves, and if they become a fan of a book, they then take the book to the publisher. The thing is though, the literary agent usually works with a number of writers, and books. They tend to start liking specific types of books. So, they tend to represent the same types of books. A simple trick that you can use to find books to read is to simply go out there and find what the literary agents had worked on before. Then, you will often find books that are similar to the one that you want to read at that moment in time. 3. Cover artists The third thing that you could do which will assist you in finding books to read is by trying to search for the cover artists of the book, and then try to find other works that the cover artists had worked on. Cover artists are the people who draw the cover page of a book, and find other works that they have done, which will more often than not be similar in topic to the one that they worked on there. So, what are cover artists? Cover artists are the people who are hired by the marketing team of a book, though they could also just be hired directly by the publishers for traditional publishing. They are required to do an image for the book. The image usually displays either a character, a setting, or a scene in the story. It’s up to the artist what they will do, though usually they get cue cards. But the point here is that, the artists usually have to be somewhat familiar with the book, and they tend to choose works that they feel like match their art style. Thus, the artists usually develop a certain pattern to their drawing, and their book selections, leading to a pattern you can take advantage of, and use to your advantage. By following the artists work, you will have a good idea of what to read next. 4. Author Inspirations The fourth best place to find books to read is by looking into what were the inspirations of the author when they were making that specific story. All authors have a form of inspiration which led them to write the story that they wrote at that specific moment. Then of course, there are the book critics who will observe and read a book, then draw upon possible inspirations for the

Fantasy books: Here are the Top 10 Best Strange Places to Find Ones Tailored for you

Where to find fantasy books to read

The worst feeling is running out of fantasy books to read. This is the sort of hell I used to suffer in my teens, but now, I do not really have that problem. Not only do I always have a book to read, but it is often the exact type of book that I like. Almost like it is tailored to my preferences. You May Also Like: Why Fantasy So Popular? (New 2024) Which is what we will be teaching here. Just where can a person find new fantasy books to read that are perfect for them, and not awkward? The best place to find new fantasy books that are tailored for your individual reading experiences is by looking for the agent of the book, and finding other books the literary agent of the book worked on. The next 3 best places are reviews, where you can find comparisons of the books, fantasy awards, where you can find other books that won the same award as your book, and social media, where you can see the books other readers compare your favorite with. With these techniques you will find that you literally never run out of books to read. However, other people may need more detailed places, and steps on just how to find these books. If that is you, fellow friend, read along. 1. Find Fantasy Books In Reddit The first place to look for great, complementary fantasy books to read is reddit. Reddit is an open platform that allows writers, and readers access without any sort of barrier to entry. This is perfect. Most other reading spaces, even the ones we will discuss here, have a barrier to entry. For example, only readers look at review sites. Also, only writers may visit publishing magazines. However, when it comes to reddit, everyone chimes in. In this way it means that reddit becomes the most democratic place for book recommendations. Both book readers, and writers go to reddit to go into deep conversations about books that they know. They discuss all things, from theories, reviews, and predictions, to disappointments, wishes, and what they hope to see next. Action step: If you are looking for a fantasy book to read, go to google, and search whichever fantasy book you have read, and ask similar books to it, then end with reddit. For example, “Books similar to Harry Potter reddit”. Copy that template, and paste to your search bar, and just rewrite the book you are searching, and you will get interesting results. 2. Comment Sections Is Where You Can Find Fantasy Books The second place your can look for complementary fantasy books from is comment sections. Comment sections also feature a wider range of access, but with the additional benefit of being laser focused on the specific book you are interested in. There is a main advantage with this one, and a main disadvantage. So let us discuss those before we get into how you can use comment sections to find the books that you want. The main advantage is that comment sections exist directly under the book that you are interested in. Whether in YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram, comment sections always exist directly under the property you are interested in. This means that you get people discussing the property you are interested in. The main disadvantage though is that this means they are not necessarily speaking about complementary books, they are only speaking about the books that they are speaking about at that moment. In a comment section about A Little Hatred, you will find people talking about the characters, and plot points. Not about which books are similar to that one. So how can you use these comment sections to find complementary books? Action steps: The first step is to decide which comment section works best for you. Social media, or a place like YouTube. I advise you go to social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, then search the book you are interested in. The second step is to browse. Usually, you may get someone saying that this story reminds them of another. If that does not work, try step three: Just ask. Say something like “Hey, do you guys know any books like this one?” or “Which books would you say best resemble this one?” 3. Meetnewbooks The third ways of finding contemporary fantasy books is to look for them in meetnewbooks. is a website that helps you discover the books that you are interested in which have the exact tastes that you are interested in. This one is probably one of the best ways of finding a new book that you are interested in. It has a website that you can visit to try and find the book that you are interested in. On top of that, they even have an app that you could use in your search for a new book. Action steps: You just go to the website. On the home page, there is a search bar, with the header ‘What Would You Like To Read’. All you need to do is type in the book that you want, the themes that you are interested or the genres that you are interested in. You can even mix those if you want and search for things that you find interested in e.g. Romance Fantasy. On top of all these features, meetnewbooks has some other interesting features, such as a personalized recommendations section. The ore books that you rate, and add to your shelves, the more they will start giving books just like that one. So, a win win situation. 4. Storygraph Is Where You Can Find Fantasy Books The fourth way you can find fantasy books that are tailored for your reading experience is by using storygraph. Storygraph is a website, and app that provides you with books that are tailored to your needs. Their slogan says it all, “Because Life’s Too Short For A Book You’re Not In The Mood

Why Are Fantasy Books Set In Medieval Europe? (New 2024)

Any fantasy book not set in medieval Europe needs its own name, and genre. Medieval fantasy is the staple. Medieval Europe has always been the preferred location for fantasy stories, and it continues to be. Of course there are new locations being selected for these series. But medieval fantasy was the preferred place for a long time. You May Also Like: Which Fantasy Books Are Non-Medieval Fantasy Books? (New 2024) Most fantasy stories take place in medieval Europe because Medieval Europe allows for a realistic setting for creating magic systems, battle scenes, and setting up stakes. Medieval Europe was an era where people believed in magic, feudal war was common, and everyday work, and politics was intrinsically tied to family. These 3 elements are core features that correlate with magic systems, battles, and familial bonds. As a consequence, a lot of fantasy stories take place in medieval Europe. There are some additional elements too. For example, medieval Europe states had no cops. Thus the poor development of federal power allowed people to be able to cut down a man. Then go raise a family at the other part of town with it not seeming strange. Also, tradition. At this point, the best fantasy stories took place in a medieval Europe era. Meaning it is just following influences that makes people choose the place. However, there are a lot more reasons, and if you are interested in learning those, you can learn more. Let’s see ones why: 5 Reasons why fantasy books are set in medieval Europe 1. Tradition The first reason why fantasy stories take place in medieval Europe is because Western fantasy traditionally derives from western Europe. I give you three words: Tolkien, Beowulf and The Golden Ass. (A bit more than just 3 words, but you get the spirit goddammit.) Tolkien First, Tolkien. Most stories today are inspired by the most popular fantasy stories that we have in the world. Stories such as The Wheel of Time, Harry Potter, and Eragon. All these stories are a massive inspiration on modern writers, such as Brandon Sanderson being inspired by Wheel of Time. However, these stories are all inspired by Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings. A majority of modern fantasy stories are inspired by Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings was a smash hit, and is consistently ranked amongst the most selling stories, and books of all time. As a consequence, it is not a stretch to understand why a lot of modern fantasy are inspired by Tolkien. And Lord of the Rings has heavy Medieval Europe tones, thus the other stories do too. Beowulf The second is Beowulf. Western society was already used to reading battle, magic powered people, thus they were the ones most likely to respond the most to magically stories. In places like the Middle east, they looked down on fantasy stories such as 1001 nights, because they felt it was a story meant for “women and children”. Meanwhile, the Chad knights in Western society would read stories like King Arthur and Beowulf in the King’s halls. Golden Ass Finally, the Golden ass. The last reason why fantasy became so big in the west is because it was already a tradition, as shown with the wests appreciation of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and later, the Golden ass. All these points paint a single image: fantasy was normal in the west, and accepted in the west, which led to it inspiring Tolkien, who then made it a tradition that it should be situated in medieval Europe. 2. Lack of technology The second reason why medieval fantasy is a normal place for fantasy books is that it is perfect due to the lack of technology in the world, and its impact on the story. The medieval fantastical setting is perfect for story events that allow for increasing stakes in battles. This is because of the technology in the world. In any other time period, the technologies are either too advanced, leading to fighting ending too quick (guns, cannons, and missiles) or they are so underdeveloped, that there would be no way of making the battle exciting (for example, the ancient world did not have the armors that knights had). As a consequence, the medieval era gives people the perfect technology for fighting. They have horses which justify fast travel, and they have armor which explains why fights can be extended. Meanwhile, their technology is not so advanced that it makes the reader wonder why they don’t just nuke the enemy. 3. Medieval Mindset The third reason why medieval Europe is preferred is because of the medieval European mindset, which justifies the appearance of magic, and the likes. There is a book known as the Leech, which is a real historical book. It is from the middle ages. This book is full of spells, and the sorts. The point here being that this book was used by people in stores when villagers would go to them and ask for help. it has spells for things like hair loss, erectile dysfunction, money making, and one spell binds a man to fall in love with a woman forever. The point here is that people in medieval Europe firmly believed in magic, and its ability to fix their everyday problems. This means it is perfect for fantasy. A writer can easily say that all that is being seen in the story is a metaphor, or a hallucination from the characters. Or they can say it is real. The point is that it makes it easier for the readers to believe this story is real. Another point about the mindset of medieval people is that they firmly believed in chivalry, and honor. This can allow the writer to create tensions by making characters have to work against their honor, for example Ned Stark and Jaime Lannister. Believed in all sorts of magical stuff, and it can be used to explain away the magic. Also, they believed in chivalry and

How To Stop Being Spineless

How To Stop Being Spineless

You can’t really get anywhere in life- even to the point of being a proper writer- if you are not assertive. You need to be learn how to be assertive, not allow yourself to be pushed this way and that. So. How can you be assertive? How can you stop being spineless? You May Also Like: How To Streamline Your Thoughts In 7 Ways? In order to be assertive, you will need to start thinking in terms of your own pleasure. Then, you need to learn how to speak in a way that will make people respect your will, and you will have to change your body language. If you manage to do these things, you will become more assertive. It is said that you are what you do. If you want to stop being spineless, you need to stop what you are doing. However, if you want to be free, then you will need to learn how to do more productive things with your life. Here are some 10 actionable steps you can take to learn just how to do that. 1. You Need To Start Thinking In Terms Of Your Own Pleasure The first thing that you need to do to strengthen your back is to start valuing your own personal desire. The problem with this is that you may not know what your true desires are. It is not uncommon for spineless people to do things they do not want to do, then look back at those things, and realize only afterwards that they had not wanted to do that thing. After a long time of being spineless, and never standing up for what you want, you begin to have defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms allow you to be able to do things that are against your desires without having to confront your own faults. Such a defense mechanism may be convincing yourself that you actually want to do what the other people ask you to do. So then how can you discover what it is that you truly want? The first step is to just do those things that bring you physical pleasure. Then, orientate your life around getting those things, and using those things. For example, if you like watching movies, or eating, then set apart a time for you to eat, or watch a movie. When people come over to ask you to do something for them, reject them so that you can have time to do that thing that you want. Finish all your work so that you will be ready at the time you set aside. Then, when that time comes, enjoy your pleasure. 2. Narrow Down To What You Really Enjoy The second step is to start narrowing down the things you enjoy to a set specific few collection, just 3 will be enough. In the first step you will need to discover the things that make you happy the most so that you can have a sense of individuality, and a better understanding of who you are as a person. In the first step you will have to experience as many pleasures as you can, just so you can learn what it is like to look for pleasures, and behave in a way that pleases you. You need to do that for a few days. But in the second step, you are going to have to start differentiating the pleasures are choosing ones that are specific to you. This will be useful for you. Firstly, you will start having an understand of who you are, and what you like. For example, I found I really enjoy going for walks in the green forest. This made me realize that I am a more out doors person than I imagined. This way, whenever I am asked to do something that is related to the outdoors, I know I want to do it. However, when I am asked to do computer things, I do not like it as much. So, the action step here is to write down a list of things that you think you could enjoy; walking, exercising, eating, drawing, etc. 3. Learn To Recognize The Feeling Of Pleasure The third step will be learning to recognize the feeling of pleasure, so that you can know instinctually when you want to do something, and when you do not want to do something. The main point of the first 2 things is that you need to learn how to recognize things that you want to do, but eventually, you will have to recognize the feeling itself, and with enough of the first things, you will begin to recognize that feeling instantly. This is the step we have been working towards from the beginning. After doing the things that you love enough, you should then start focusing on the feelings you feel as you do the thing. Eventually, you will be able to recognize that feeling instantly. Whenever someone walks up to you, and asks for something, demands something, or does something, you will feeling in your hurt. Either you will feel a sensation that agrees with that, or you will feel a sensation that is directly opposite to what you feel. At this point, it is not important to learn saying no to people, or fighting people off. Instead, you just need to learn to recognize when you are doing something you do not want to do. When you are being overridden. You can then say to yourself, “I don’t want to do this”. This is the first step, but other people already know when they are doing something they do not want to do, so for those the next step will be of use. 4. Do Repetitions That Help You Increase The Speed You Can Recognize These Things The fourth step is to do exercises that improve your sense for what you want to do versus what you do not want to do. Now, you need to focus on improving

Which Fantasy Books are Non-Medieval Fantasy? (New 2024)

s popular as fantasy books have become internationally, they have still remained squarely in the knight era European period in content. This leads to a great question. Are there any fantasy books that do not take place in medieval Europe? You May Also Like: Top 4 Reasons Why Fantasy Books Are So Long (New 2024) Fantasy does not have to be set in medieval Europe. Yes, a lot of the most popular fantasy books are set in medieval Europe, which is mostly due to the influence of Tolkien. However, there are a great number of fantasy books that take place outside of the medieval era. Some fantasy go as far as taking place outside of Europe all together. In this article we will discuss: Does fantasy have to be Medieval? Fantasy books are not always set in a medieval setting Recently, fantasy books have been finding themselves set less in knight era settings. They have branched out to either contemporary era settings, or to different classical time periods. The reason for this is simple enough; the reasons for why most fantasy books took place in fantasy spaces is becoming null and void. These reasons are covered in my other article, and you can check that one out if you want to see those reasons. What Time Period Is Medieval Fantasy Set In? A majority of fantasy books exist in the time period between 500 AD- 1400 AD, so basically following the Fall of Rome, and prior to the Renaissance. The books may not literally take place during this time period, but they do draw inspiration from this time period. This was the medieval period. Which Fantasy Books Are None Medieval Fantasy? “Rage of the Dragons” by Evan Winters “Jade City” by Fonda Lee “The Poppy War” by R.F. Kuang “Dark Tower” by Stephen King “The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin “Shogun” by James Clarell “Powers” by Ursula Le Guin

Why Is Manga Read Backwards? (New 2024)

Why is manga read backwards

If you ever decide to pick up manga, the first thing you will notice is how hard it is to read the damned thing. Then, you may check out our article on how to read manga, and you will find that manga is read backwards. Which begs the question. Why is Manga Read Backwards? You May Also Like: When Is Manga Released And Why? (New 2024) Manga is read backwards (right to left), because manga is written using Japanese traditional writing systems where the direction goes from back to front. This tradition stems from the unique writing system (alphabets) that the Japanese have. These Japanese alphabets are written either from top down or from the right to the left. Maybe a more detailed explanation is in order, so let’s get into it. Why Is Manga Read Backwards? Manga is written backwards because it is a Japanese book, and all Japanese books are written going from the front to the back. It’s standard practice in the west that everything we read will be written going from the left to the write. This is so engrained in out minds that even if we were to see an image, we would read it from the left to the right. This is not the same with all countries in the world. In some countries, the writing goes from right to left. As a consequence, you will find that even their images are observed going from right to left. This means even things like comic books are read going from right to left. Japan is one of those countries. Japan is written using characters called Kanji. Other Japanese writings are written in katakana, and in hiragana. The rules of the writing for these characters dictate that when you write, you must either write from the top going down, or from the right to the left. Why Do Japanese Read From Back To Front? The Japanese write from back to front because of having to write on scrolls. There is no clear definitive reason why the Japanese write from right to front, just as there is no clear reason why the Westerners write from left to write. But there have been a number of theories, and there is one that I am specifically partial too. The idea is the medium theory. This theory holds that the reason for the direction of writing, is due to the medium of writing used. In the West, writing arrived fairly late. As a consequence, papers and ink existed. So people wrote in a way that would avoid smudging the ink. So they wrote from left to right, and down. In the Middle east, people started writing a lot earlier, and so tehy wrote ons tones. Stones need force to write, adn most people are right handed, so people wrote right to left, not having to worrry about smudging ink. In Japan, they learned to write from China, who also started writing on stones before paper came along. As a consequence, the Japanese learned to write not only from right to left but also top down. What Countries Read From Right To Left? Countries that follow this rule of writing are:

When Is Manga Released And Why? (New 2024)

So, you may have decided to start reading manga, which is understandable. I have been reading these comics for years now, and there hasn’t been a single time that I regretted picking it up. But you may be coming across a problem that I came across when I first started reading manga. You’ve finally caught up, and now you are waiting for the next chapter to come out, and it dawns on you. You haven’t the slightest clue when the next chapter is going to come out. Every once in a while you discover a new chapter, but it seems they are sent at random days throughout the year. You May Also Like: How is Manga – A 5 minute technique (2024)? When is new manga released? And why is it released at the time it is released? Weekly New manga chapters are either released on a weekly basis, bi-weekly basis, or a monthly basis. These are easier to distinguish each other, since you can do that by just reading the name of their publishing company. If it has a weekly in it, then it probably comes out weekly. If it has a monthly in it, then the chapters probably come out on a monthly basis. However, if you can’t find the publisher name, then you can always go online and find a common fandom. These can be found on places like reddit, or YouTube. Then, you can just watch the reaction videos, or review videos. These will tell you when the chapters are released, since most reviews and reactions come out a day or two following the release of the chapter. Additionally, you could always just ask in the comment sections or the forums when a manga chapter is released. Now of course this is a simplified take on the issue, and if you are interested in a more detailed breakdown, then allow me to get to breaking it down for you. How Do You Know When Manga Is Released? To find out when a new manga is released you could always use the website bookmarking option, and other tracking options that you receive on a manga app or manga website. There are 3 main methods you can use to keep track of new manga releases. The first is you can just find out what the publisher of the manga is. This is important because manga are released along with the magazine. So if the magazine releases a new one on a weekly basis, then you know your specific comic will be released weekly. If it releases on a monthly basis, then you know that your manga will come out on a monthly basis. The second method is to use the manga accounts to your advantage. Although it can seem rather tedious, there are some advantages to creating accounts for manga apps, and websites. The main advantage is that every time a new chapter is released, you will be informed about it by the app or website. The third way is to simply write down the day these comic books was released, and store it in a private folder. You could use things like word, notion, or bookmark manager to manage the release dates. Bookmark even opens directly to the page that you may wish to read. How Often Do New Releases Come Out? New manga comes out on a weekly or monthly basis. As covered previously, the manga comes out with the magazine. Most magazine choose to release these comics on a monthly, or weekly. But there have been instances where these specific comics were released on a bi-weekly basis. Also, it’s not uncommon for authors to take a break for a week, or a month. This means the readers will have to wait before a new chapter is released. Why Do Manga Release At The Time They do? Manga is released at the time they are released at because they have to be released with a magazine issue. There are 2 main reasons these comics are released at the time they are released at. Firstly, manga come out in a magazine filled with other manga. This magazine publisher is on its own schedule. These comics must meet this schedule whether the author likes it or not. So, as a result, most of these comics are released on a monthly, or weekly basis, depending on the specific comic. The second reason manga are released at the time they are released at is because these comics are very hard to produce. The author needs to come up with the story, plan out the storyboard for the chapter, pencil it, ink it, then finally scan into the computer. Finally, the comic is put together and released. This consumes a lot of time. Even with the author have an entire retinue of assistants to help them with their work. As a consequence, these comics can’t be released on a daily basis. Instead it must make do with this arrangement. Once you have mastered the release schedule of these manga, you will be able to enjoy them easier. This takes you that much closer to mastering mastery.